Wednesday, January 11, 2012

English and the Tea Man

The young man walked through the train carriages with a large urn of tea, calling out his wares, stopping to fill cups and take in the few cents he made from his employment. My friend who was with me nudged my arm and said, 'Do you see that man? Well, only yesterday a group of the tea men came to see me, and to ask for help with education. And do you know what they also said?' 'No, I answered, as the dusty bowl areas of the outlying villages flashed past the train windows. 'Well,' said my friend, settling more comfortably in the seat, 'They said they felt the greatest lack they had was that they cannot speak English. The reason being, that in large cities almost every person can speak English; however, those who only speak village dialects are often difficult to understand in larger cities with greater employment opportunities. They feel that those who speak English often have more opportunity to apply for a better paid employment. Also, those with knowledge only of village dialect do not consider they have the opportunity to travel or to apply for a visa, because how would they be understood in another area? However, English speakers often find employment in another area.'

I was fascinated to hear this. My friend finished with,'The men said to me, we were born tea men; we live as tea men, and we will die as tea men. As did our fathers before us. But what if we want something more? Are we not men, and as such allowed to plan for a life that is better for ourselves, and that we will not condemn our children to the same? Can you not ask someone to help us with English? We do not have the money to pay for lessons, but what are we to do?  ' And my friend opened up the newspaper with the final words, 'Is there anything you can do?' And Lumiere Academy of English was born.

Since that time  Lumiere English Academy has offered a free educational service in order to provide assistance in learning English, and thus to increase work opportunity. Our Academy offers services in the following fields;
- Sponsorship of free education in English for children and disadvantaged
- Establishing and ongoing support of village libraries, also in shanty towns, squatter camps and slum areas
- English Educational Empowerment Projects
- Provision of donations of English books, globes, stationery, paper, school books, educational DVD's to children and
  disadvantaged in shanty towns, squatter camps, outlying villages, poor and disadvantaged areas
- Assistance in resources and ongoing education of English teachers for disadvantaged areas
- Online computer classes to disadvantaged areas
- DVD's of English songs and classes sent to disadvantaged areas
- Liaison with English teachers, principals and social workers

However, our efforts are only a drop in the huge ocean of need. So many people are hampered by illiteracy, and lack of good English skills. I have travelled in many countries, and realise that English is not the only language in need. Excellent German language skills, the Dutch language, French and Russian, Afrikaans and Sotho, Xhosa, Zulu, Italian, Hindi and Mahrahti are some of the languages spoken today in our global village among many others. Perhaps Providence is guiding you to read these words; in the spirit of Lumiere, would you consider sponsoring someone in your area in either language or literacy lessons, especially someone who is in need? And once that person has been assisted by your generosity to better work opportunity which will enrich both his/her lives and those of their families, surely society as a whole will be uplifted because each person who is able to receive educational opportunity will be able to fulfil their greatest potential in society. This will lead to greater personal upliftement, and thus  in time, upliftment of society by individual and family excellence. And what greater word will we be able to hear than that same word which time immemorial has greeted the gift of needed education; Thank you (English), Dankie (Afrikaans), Dank u (Dutch), Obrigado (Portuguese), Merci (French), Danke (German), Gracias (Spanish), Grazie (Italian) - and the same greeting in all the other lovely languages of this wonderful world of ours.

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