Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our oceans are endangered - please sign petition

Lumiere Charity received an email from Stephanie and the Avaaz team asking us to support a rescue package for the world's oceans. They highlight a situation which is close to the Charity's heart - that of conservation of the wonderful earth God created for us to enjoy and to use its resources responsibly. It is a fact that species are either extinct or threatened with extinction. Now the Avaaz team tell us that the oceans are dying, beset by pollution and demolition fishing.
In the next 72 hours, governments are considering a new rescue plan - and we can help to push it through. The plan is to craft a new treaty to protect the high seas, and establish critical marine protection reserves. The vision of Avaaz is to champion the idea. This crucial meeting is being held at the UN. Avaaz wishes to deliver global support to Europe to save our oceans. Please sign the urgent petition and send this to everyone - once Avaaz hits 500,000 signatures, they will deliver the petition straight into the meeting.  Here is the link to the petition;
There are just three days left - please send the information to friends and family, and post this link on your Facebook wall and share it on Twitter.  According to Avaaz, our marine ecosystems are under threat, and 85% of fish stocks are depleted. They go on to tell that scientists say that what we need right now is a plan that sets aside 20% of our blue planet as conservation areas by 2020, allowing the seas to replenish themselves for generations to come, and create a new protection agreement for the oceans outside of national boundaries.
In  the beginning God created the earth and all in it;  let us not be able to write that in 2012 humanity by not protecting its resources helped to destroy some of it.
Thank you for taking action to support a rescue package for the world's oceans.
Please place the link on your Facebook wall or link it to Twitter;
*Photograph courtesy of Avaaz petition

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