Monday, July 30, 2012

Lumiere English Academy - A Basic Grammar

Lumiere English Academy

To all those who are interested in learning or teaching English, Dr. Luky Whittle has made her Basic Grammar available in serialised form for use. The blog will make each consecutive lesson available from time to time - so watch this space!

A Basic Grammar, Comprehension Guide and Letter Writer for
 Second Language Students

Foreword to Second Language English Students
These lessons purport to be no more than a brief and basic grammar crammer, comprehension guide and letter writer. Aimed at the second language English speaker, it also contains a section on pronunciation. The student is cautioned to give slang a wide berth for the purposes of official letter writing and conversation. Nevertheless, current expressions such as "shifting the goalposts" and "hidden agenda" which have become such a part of our modern speech, have been included in the special list of set expressions in which common ordinary expressions are freely intermingled with time-honoured idioms.

To paraphrase the poet, English is a language of "infinite variety" and a lifetime of study will still leave the student marvelling at its beauty and scope. Like the woman to whom the quotation refers, she is an unreasonable and fickle lady and it is hard to keep up with her moods. Hence no attempts have been made to explain apparent inconsistencies.

Enjoy your studies,
Luky Whittle
1 May 2002
Virginia, South Africa

Copyright Dr. Luky Whittle. Please feel free to use freely for any educational purpose

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Teaching English? Why not use a translator

Are you teaching English as a career, or offering your services voluntarily to assist others in disadvantaged situations learn the language? Why not use a translator as we in Lumiere English Academy have done with great success! I have recently returned from a field trip where Congolese children speaking French were struggling to learn English. I brought a translator to the teacher, and within minutes the children were laughing delightedly as they were able to translate French into English, assisting their studies. The teacher was laughing no less delightedly as she was able to translate words from English into French.

Lumiere English Academy has been offering free classes online and telephonically since January 2011 with great success. However, to be honest with you, so many people are in need of free lessons that our Academy is struggling to meet the demand. In the spirit of Lumiere, if you are a teacher of English, would you consider giving free English lessons to those in disadvantaged areas? There are many in need of this wonderful gift.

Why not consider becoming an online English school offering a number of free English lessons weekly? It is easy to give telephonic or online lessons to someone in another country. In squatter camps, contact can be made with a principal/ minister/ social worker/ volunteer of honest reputation and good heart, and a second hand computer can be fundraised for or donated to that person. A generator or link to electricity can be organised, and lessons be made available in that way. Another option is to tape audio classes or organise webinars and place them online. Or your can burn CD's of your English lessons and then post them to outlying areas, with a tape recorder and batteries. The wonderful challenge of teaching the great medium of English is to find a way to make classes available to outlying areas.

Interested in learning more? Why not visit our website (link below this article). Lumiere English Academy offers services in the following fields;
- Free telephonic and online classes internationally to students requiring gratis English lessons
- Sponsorship of free education in English for children and disadvantaged
- Establishing and ongoing support of village libraries
- English educational empowerment projects
- Provision of donations of English books, globes, stationery, paper, school books, educational DVD's to
  children in shanty towns, squatter camps, outlying villages and disadvantaged areas
- Online computer classes to disadvantaged areas
- Liaison with English teachers and donation of schooling provisions to disadvantaged areas

Another option for a translator if you have access to electricity and a computer is to use an online translator.

Lumiere Academy - Education Today for a Brighter Future tomorrow

Lumiere Charity website page for English Academy;

Link to example of pocket translator (unfortunately deal expired at present) which has been a resounding success in Lumiere English Academy teaching. This translator has been a blessing in our in our charity work to assist in the volunteer teaching of pupils from disadvantaged areas and squatter camps. Thank you so much to the manufacturers.
There are also other great deals online or if you look through your local shops.

Online translator example is Google's fabulous and free Translator;
As always, thank you Google! This benefit has helped Lumiere English Academy teach pupils of other languages such as Hindi, Russian and Lithuanian to become proficient in English.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A candle has been lit for all suffering from floods in Britain

A candle has been lit by Lumiere Charity in remembrance of all those suffering in the floods in Britain.
Recent television footage has shown devastation resulting from the torrential waters.
In the spirit of Lumiere, for those of us blessed at present with safe streets, dry houses and the safety of our family and friends from raging water - is there any way you could help?