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Son of God crucified |
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Human sons and daughters of God aborted 'Whatsoever you do unto these, the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, that you do unto me.' Matthew Chapter 25;40 |
In January 2014 NCAN wrote an open letter declaring support for the abortion drug drug mandate outlined in the Affordable Care Act, Alleged News. [1]
At the end of the open letter, the following is stated; 'Founded in 1969 and representing over 2000 members, the National Coalition of American Nuns continues to work for full acceptance of the fact that: A woman cannot have full autonomy unless she has Reproductive Autonomy ...We hope that we will see our work of equality for Women reflected in all laws and practices in Church and Society. We thank those working with us to make this a global reality', Alleged News. [2]
NCAN opposed Hatch Amendment in 1982
NCAN was started in 1969 in Chicago by Sister Margaret Ellen [Mary Peter] Traxler and Sister Mary Audrey [Lillanna] Kopp, Alleged News.[3]
NCAN reportedly went on record opposing the Hatch Amendment in 1982, Alleged News. [4]
The Hatch Amendment was introduced by Sen Orris Hatch
[R-UT] on September 21, 1981, under J.R. Res. 294. 'A right to abortion is not secured by this Constitution. The Congress and the several States shall have the concurrent power to restrict and prohibit abortions: Provided, That a law of State which is more restrictive than a law of Congress shall govern,' Alleged News. [5]
The Hatch Amendment would have given states the right to determine whether abortion would be legal. The Amendment was eventually defeated in the United States Senate, Alleged News.
That same year, four NCAN members went on the 'Phil Donahue Show' to speak on their position on 'the right to choose'; Sisters Anne Patrick Ware, Margaret Ellen Traxler, Donna Quinn and Deborah Barrett, a member of Sisters For Christian Community, Alleged News. [4]
Dead for all except fetuses
Sister Ann Patrick later wrote in Ms. magazine, '. . .the virulence of those in opposition to women having choice over their pregnancies cannot be overestimated.
None of the constraints of civil discourse seems to apply when this subject is discussed.
In fact, one may make the case that a certain 'holy fanaticism' takes over and makes them even more intolerant and dangerous. Charity, the end-all and be-all of the Christian faith, in these hearts is dead for all except fetuses', Alleged News. [4]
Abortion Rights Statement
In 1984, seven NCAN board members were among Religious and lay persons who signed the abortion rights statement sponsored by Catholics for a Free Choice in The New York Times; Sisters Margaret Ellen Traxler, Ann Patrick Ware, Donna Quinn [past-president], Maureen Fiedler, and Jeannine Gramick, Alleged News.
Lay members of the NCAN board who signed the statement included Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza [then a theology professor at the University of Notre Dame] and Frances Kissling, director of Catholics for a Free Choice, Alleged News. [4]
National Medal of Honor
In 1986, NCAN gave its 'national medal of honor' to Frances Kissling, founder of Catholics for a Free Choice 'for her prophetic leadership in reclaiming for women the decision-making for their own bodies', Alleged News. [6]
Sister Donna Quinn
For decades Sr Donna Quinn has championed the rights of women to end unwanted pregnancies, Alleged News.
The Dominican nun has picketed for abortion rights and escorted women into abortion clinics, Alleged News. [7]
Donna Quinn was photographed wearing 'Clinic Escort' smock at ACU Health Center in Hinsdale, IL, [8].
Sr Quinn spoke at Planned Parenthood at an interfaith discussion about the intersection of religion and reproductive freedom, Alleged News.
Planned Parenthood information re same states, 'Pro-choice or pro-faith? You don't have to choose', and 'learn how the beliefs of Rabbi Mark Miller, pro-choice nun Sister Donna Quinn, and the Rev. Wilfredo Benitez form the foundation of their support for women's health care, including contraception, and safe, legal abortion, Alleged News. [9]
Sister Quinn's appearance and speech at Planned Parenthood appeared on video, Alleged News. [10]
Defeat of Amendment
Sister Donna Quinn supported abortion rights, and in 2009 reportedly applauded the defeat of an amendment that would have added restrictions to the health care bill for women seeking abortions, Alleged News. [11]
The Virgin Mary; expressed Choice?
The Virgin Mary is honored as the Mother of Jesus.
On the day the church honors the Immaculate Conception, or conception of the Virgin Mary, Sr Quinn sent a thank you note to those who lobbied their senators to vote against the Nelson-Hatch Amendment, which lost in a 54-45 Senate vote, Alleged News. [11]
The amendment would have prohibited funds authorized or appropriated under the health care bill, including the tax credits used to help individuals purchase health coverage, from being used for abortions or for benefits packages that include abortion, Alleged News.
Citing a poem about the Virgin Mary, Sr Quinn noted the date of the amendment's defeat, Alleged News.
'I am reminded of being with men and women from the Unitarian faith tradition last year as they celebrated Mary who by her assent, they believed, was one of the first women in the New Testament to express Choice,' Sr Quinn reportedly said. [11]
Theological Exegesis
The Virgin Mary - or Miriam of Nazareth - is an historical figure who bore a Son, Jesus Christ. In the sixth month of her cousin's pregnancy, Mary was approached by the Angel Gabriel who brought direct request from God. Gabriel placed before her the happening envisaged by GOD, that
- she would conceive and bear a son
- the child was to be called Jesus
- He would be great and called the Son of the Most High [thus, Son of GOD Himself]
- Lord GOD will give the child the throne of his ancestor ['father'] David
- the child will reign over Jacob's descendents forever
- the child's kingdom will never end [Gospel of Luke 1;26-33]
Mary questioned as to how God would bring about conception, as she was a virgin. The angel answered that GOD's Holy Spirit would cause the conception by divine intervention. He Himself would be the Father of the Child by Divine overshadowing of her humanity.
The child of Divine Parentage and human female maternity would be GOD's own Son.
Gabriel further gave guidance to Mary not to doubt whether GOD could cause the pregnancy, for no Word of GOD will ever fail.
As proof Gabriel told Mary that her post-menopausal and previously infertile cousin had conceived; a situation thought impossible. However, no situation is impossible to GOD.
[Lk 1;34-37].
Mary agreed to be the mother of the Son of God; she most certainly chose to accept the child of GOD into her womb.
Thus, Mary exercised choice to accept pregnancy.
Mary did not exercise choice to execute her unborn Child post-conception once she had become pregnant.
The first instance is a prior-conception choice.
The second instance is a post-conception choice; and one ordered as not permissable by the direct order of GOD Himself 'You shall not murder' [Exodus 20;13].
Therefore Mary's choice was in line with the Commandment of GOD Most High; to choose life and life alone. " 'I am the Lord's servant', Mary answered. 'May your word to me be fulfilled' ".
[Lk 1;38].
Mary exercised choice in line with the Commandments of God; to accept new life without consequent murder.
What does Planned Parenthood Do?
- Planned Parenthood sells Dead Baby Body Parts, Alleged News [12]
- Scientists transplant Organs from Aborted Babies into Rats for future Harvest, Alleged News [13]
- Planned Parenthood Vice President Negotiated Sale of Aborted Babies, Alleged News [14]
- Video showed Dissection of 20-Week old Baby for Body parts at Planned Parenthood, Alleged News [15]
- Inspections found Florida Planned Parenthood Clinics Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions, Alleged News [16]
- Babies Brain Cells Transplanted Post Abortion into Mice, Alleged News [17]
- Sixth Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babes Without Patient Consent, Alleged News [18]
- UMASS Purchased Fetal Cadavers for Use in Humanized Mice, Alleged News [19]
- Baby's Brain Cut Out While Aborted Infant Was Still Alive, Alleged News [20]
- Concern that Planned Parenthood may be keeping some babies alive after abortion procedure in order to better collect their organs after harvesting - such as their hearts, Alleged News [21]
- Disembowelling of Unborn Babies during Abortions at Advanced Biocscience Resources, Alleged News [22]
- Planned Parenthood Allegedly Failed to Report Rape in Seven States, Alleged News [23]
ProLifers Concerns
- Catholics for Choice show Support for Planned Parenthood, Alleged News [24]
- Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood, A Special Investigative Report, Alleged News [25]
- Dutch Bishops Aid Group Funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes, Alleged News [26]
- NY Catholic Church Paying for Abortions for Over a Decade, Alleged News [27]
- Catholic Relief Services, MEDiCAM and Plans Re Abortion, Alleged News [28]
- Lenten Alms given to Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Used to Fund Abortions, Alleged News [29]
- Most Catholics in Massachusetts Legislature Support Planned Parenthood, Study Shows; Alleged News [30]
- Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese; World Meeting of Families President Funded Former Executive Director Planned Parenthood; Alleged News [31]
- Satanic temple is suing both Missouri and United States; satanic suit identifies abortion as an 'essential religious duty' for satanists, Alleged News [32]
- Former satanist; I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics; Alleged News [33]
Support of babies' brains being ripped out while their hearts
are still beating - to be sold for money - MUST STOP
The sale of chopped up babies for experimentation
and implantation into mice MUST STOP
[1] 'Nuns for Choice' Back Abortion Drug Mandate; Alleged News
[2] National Coalition of American Nuns Supports Reproductive Justice, Alleged News
[3] Ann Carey [1997]. 'Sisters in Crisis; The Tragic Unravelling of Women's Religious Communities,'. Our Sunday Visitor. p 251.
ISBN 0-87973-655-0
[4] Ann Carey [1997]. 'Sisters in Crisis; The Tragic Unravelling of Women's Religious Communities,'. Our Sunday Visitor. p 253.
ISBN 0-87973-655-0
[5] Human Life Amendment, Alleged News
[6] Ann Carey [1997]. 'Sisters in Crisis; The Tragic Unravelling of Women's Religious Communities,'. Our Sunday Visitor. p 254.
ISBN 0-87973-655-0
[7] A Nun's Long Battle in the War over Abortion: Sister Donna Quinn believes in a Woman's Right to Choose, Alleged News
[8] The Father Mazzuchelli Society, Alleged News
[9] Planned Parenthood; Pro-choice or pro-faith? You don't have to choose, May 2, 2012; Alleged News
[10] Planned Parenthood; Consider this, May 2, 2012; Alleged News
[11] Pro-choice nun still fighting for women's care, Alleged News
[12] Planned Parenthood Sells Dead Baby Body Parts, Alleged News
[13] Innocent Humans and Innocent Animals, Vulnerable and Defenceless used in Experiments; Scientists Transplant Organs from Aborted Babies into Rats for Future Harvest, Alleged News
[14] Planned Parenthood Vice President Negotiated Sale of Aborted Babies, Alleged News
[15] 'It Was a Twin,' New Video Shows Dissection of 20- Week Old Baby for Body Parts at Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[16] Inspections Find Florida Planned Parenthood Clinics Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions, Alleged News
[17] Babies' Brain Cells Transplanted Post Abortion into Mice, Alleged News
[18] Sixth Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Without Patient Consent, Alleged News
[19] UMASS Purchased Fetal Cadavers For Use In 'Humanized' Mice, Alleged News
[20] Baby's Brain Cut Out While Aborted Infant Was Still Alive, Alleged News
[21] Planned Parenthood Is Likely Keeping Some Aborted Babies Alive 'Until Their Hearts Are Cut Out', Alleged News
[22] 9th Video; Disembowelling Unborn Babies During Abortions at Advanced Bioscience Resources, Alleged News
[23] Planned Parenthood Allegedly Failed to Report Rape in Seven States, Alleged News
[24] Catholics for Choice show Support for Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[25] Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood, A Special Investigative Report, Alleged News
[26] Dutch Bishops Aid Group Funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes, Alleged News
[27] NY Catholic Church Paying for Abortions for Over a Decade, Alleged News
[28] Catholic Relief Services, MEDiCAM and Plans Re Abortion, Alleged News
[29] Lenten Alms Given to Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Used to Fund Abortions, Alleged News
[30] Most Catholics in Massachusetts Legislature Support Planned Parenthood, Study Shows; Alleged News
[31] Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese; World Meeting of Families President Funded Former Executive Director Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[32] 'Satanic temple' is suing both Missouri and United States; satanic suit identifies abortion as an 'essential religious duty' for satanists, Alleged News
[33] Former satanist; I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics; Alleged News
With thanks to amazon.com/ truthrevolt.org/ religiousinstitute.org/ Ann Carey/ wikipedia.org/ latimes.com/ fathermazzuchellisociety.org/ ppfa.convio.net/ youtube/ newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/
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