Saturday, September 28, 2019


WOMEN WHO HAVE CHILDREN THROUGH IN-VITRO FERTILIZATION [IVF] COULD BE AT GREATER RISK OF BREAST CANCER, NEW RESEARCH SUGGESTS; ALLEGED NEWS. [1] The research claimed that mothers over 40 who used fertility treatment to have their first child were 65 percent more likely to develop the disease, Alleged News. Across all ages it was linked to a 10 percent increase, Alleged News. [1]

IVF typically involves giving women powerful medications so that instead of one egg a month the ovaries release up to 20 for fertilization in the laboratory; Alleged News. The body produces more oestrogen in order to grow the eggs - and oestrogen is also known to encourage cancer cells: Alleged News.  [1]

Wake-up call
Copenhagen University researchers tracked 59,000 women who underwent fertility treatment -  mainly IVF - to have a child and compared them with women of similar ages from 567,000 who gave birth naturally, Alleged News.  Fertility expert Professor Geeta Nargund of St George's Hospital in London said, "Women are more prone to breast cancer as they get older, particularly if they have never given birth to a child. On top of that, if you add stimulation drugs which increase oestrogen levels, this risk further appears to be increased. This is a wake-up call about the use of high-dose stimulation in IVF, especially in women over 40. We must act now as a precaution," Alleged News.  [1]

The findings were published at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology [ESHRE] in Vienna, Alleged News. [1]

[1] International Express, Wednesday July 3 2019, Martin Bagot, "IVF mums over 40 'see their risk of cancer increase by 65%';" Alleged News

With thanks to International Express