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The God mandated Sanctity of Unborn Life |
A number of students spent Monday night - the Feast of the Annunciation - listening to former Texas State Senator Wendy Davis describe the benefits for women of choosing abortion; Alleged News.
Davis filibustered pro-life legislation in Texas in 2013; Alleged News.
The University of Notre Dame Department of Gender Studies department co-sponsored the Monday event in coordination with the College Democrats of Notre Dame, the Progressive Student Alliance, Notre Dames, Women in Politics and bridgeND; Alleged News. [1]
Description of the event
The Notre Dame Department of Gender Studies gave a description of the event posted on the department's website, Alleged News.
The event description was removed from the department's website Monday afternoon, Alleged News.
A cached version is available at link [1], and the Cardinal Newman Socierty captured an image of the webpage, available at link [1].
The University of Notre Dame Gender Studies Program event description includes the following;
'Former Texas State Senator Wendy Davis is widely recognized as a passionate advocate for women's healthcare and other national issues which threaten our individual freedoms.
Sen. Davis prides herself on the ability to see an issue from multiple perspectives, while forging a path to consensus and compromise. She skyrocketed to near celebrity status after her historic 13 hour filibuster in the Texas Senate to stop a legislative effort that would have dramatically reduced women's access to healthcare services in her state.
Wendy Davis, a modern-day Texas heroine, appeared on the national scene as a State Senator during her 2013 filibuster that temporarily blocked devastating legislation seeking to limit women's access to abortions and reproductive healthcare in the state of Texas. Before that, Davis fought tirelessly in the Texas legislature to further equality for women through education, fair lending, and equal pay initiatives. A single mother from humble beginnings who worked her way to Harvard Law, Davis shares her inspiring story of overcoming adversity, fear, and self-doubt to reach these incredible heights and underscores the importance of how every woman's story can make a difference,' Alleged News. [1]
Notre Dame Professor Candida Moss
Notre Dame Professor Candida Moss moderated a question and answer segment, Alleged News. [1]
Professor Moss is a Theologian at the University of Notre Dame, Alleged News. [2]
Senator Emeritus Davis re abortion
During her talk, titled; 'Rising Up: From Single Mother to Harvard Law, How Every Woman Stands to Make a Difference,' Senator Emeritus Davis referred to abortion as a necessity for the advancement of women, praised Planned Parenthood and said the U.S. Supreme Court decided when human life begins; Alleged News. [1]
The Legislation Sen Emeritus Davis filibustered
The Legislation Davis filibustered in Texas was intended to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, when children can feel pain; Alleged News. Davis told the students her abortion was the reason she started the fillibuster, Alleged News. [1]
Planned Parenthood
Praising Planned Parenthood, Davis said the various services provided by the nation's largest abortion provider allowed her to climb the ranks her mother and grandmother could not. [1]
'Without my access to [Planned Parenthood], it was very likely I would have found myself with a second unplanned pregnancy,' Davis said, according to a tweet from an Editor of The Observer; Alleged News. [2]
The Observer Editor tweeted later that Davis received a standing ovation at the conclusion of the event; Alleged News. [1]
Laetare Medal
News of the event follows news recently reported that Notre Dame is awarding its Laetare Medal - the 'oldest and most prestigious honor accorded to American Catholics' - to Vice President Joe Biden, despite his support for abortion; Alleged News. [1] and [4]
The ethos of Notre Dame University
'The University of Notre Dame provides a distinctive voice in higher education that is at once rigorously intellectual, unapologetically moral in orientation, and firmly embracing of a service ethos', is written on the University of Notre Dame webpage at [3]
'Moral' definition
The definition of 'moral' means virtuous, good, righteous, upright, principled, sinless.
Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae
In the Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae, His Holiness Pope John Paul II wrote that the Gospel of Life is is at the heart of Jesus' message. He speaks of the incomparable worth of the human person.
His Holiness speaks of the new threats to human life in the following words; 'Whatever is opposed to life itself, such as any type of murder, genocide, abortion, euthenasia, or wilful self-destruction, whatever violates the integrity of the human person, such as mutilation, torments inflicted on body or mind, attempts to coerce the will itself; whatever insults human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution, the selling of women and children; as well as disgraceful working conditions, where people are treated as mere instruments of gain, rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others like them are infamies indeed. They poison human society, and they do more harm to those that practise them than to those who suffer from the injury. Moreover, they are a supreme dishonour to the Creator.' [5]
What does Planned Parenthood do?
- Uses Fetal Harvesting Consent Forms which are the cause of concern due to Claim that Baby Body Parts cure diseases, Alleged News [6] and [7] and [8]
- Baby's Brain cut out while aborted infant was still alive; Alleged News. [9]
- Concern that Planned Parenthood may be keeping some babies alive after abortion procedure in order to better collect their organs after harvesting - such as their hearts; Alleged News [10]
- Planned Parenthood sells Dead Baby Body Parts, Alleged News [11]
- Disembowelling of Unborn Babies during Abortions as Advanced Bioscience Resources; Alleged News [12]
- Planned Parenthood Allegedly Failed to Report Rape in Seven States; Alleged News [13]
- Video showed Dissection of 20-Week old Baby for Body parts at Planned Parenthood, Alleged News [14]
- Sixth Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Without Patient Consent, Alleged News [15]
- Planned Parenthood Vice President Negotiated Sale of Aborted Babies, Alleged News [16]
- Scientists transplant Organs from Aborted Babies into Rats for future Harvest, Alleged News [17]
- Inspections found Florida Planned Parenthood Clinics Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions, Alleged News [18]
- Babies Brain Cells Transplanted Post Abortion into Mice, Alleged News [19]
- UMASS Purchased Fetal Cadavers for Use in Humanized Mice, Alleged News [20]
ProLifers Concerns
- Dutch Bishops Aid Group Funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes, Alleged News [21]
- NY Catholic Church Paying for Abortions for Over a Decade, Alleged News [22]
- Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood, A Special Investigative Report, Alleged News [23]
- Lenten Alms given to Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Used to Fund Abortions, Alleged News [24]
- Catholic Relief Services, MEDiCAM and Plans Re Abortion, Alleged News [25]
- National Coalition of American Nuns [NCAN] Backed Abortion Drug Mandate, Alleged News [26]
- Most Catholics in Massachusetts Legislature Support Planned Parenthood, Study Shows; Alleged News [27]
- Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese; World Metting of Families President Funded Former Executive Director Planned Parenthood; Alleged News [28]
- Catholics for Choice show Support for Planned Parenthood, Alleged News [29]
- Former satanist; I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics; Alleged News [30]
- Satanic temple sued both Missouri and United States; satanic suit identified abortion as an 'essential religious duty' for satanists, Alleged News [31]
[1] Notre Dame hosts Abortion Activist Wendy Davis, calling her a 'Modern-Day Heroine'; Alleged News
[2] Theologians at USF, Santa Clara undermine Church Teaching; Alleged News.
[3] University of Notre Dame
[4] Notre Dame Faculty Call on University to Rescind Award to Pro-Abortion Joe Biden; Alleged News
[5] Evangelium Vitae
[6] Statement on Planned Parenthood's Fraudulent 'Consent' Form for Aborted Baby Parts, Alleged News
[7] Planned Parenthood Caught Lying; Falsely Said Aborted Baby Parts Cure Diseases; Alleged News
[8] Planned Parenthood's Fraudulent 'Consent' Form to get Aborted Baby Parts; Alleged News
[9] Baby's Brain Cut Out while Aborted Infant was still alive, Alleged News
[10] Concern that Planned Parenthood may be keeping some babies alive after abortion procedure in order to better collect their organs after harvesting - such as their hearts; Alleged News
[11] Planned Parenthood sells Dead Baby Body Parts, Alleged News
[12] Disembowelling of Unborn Babies during Abortions as Advanced Bioscience Resources; Alleged News
[13] Planned Parenthood Allegedly Failed to Report Rape in Seven States; Alleged News
[14] Video showed Dissection of 20-Week old Baby for Body parts at Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[15] Sixth Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Without Patient Consent, Alleged News
[16] Planned Parenthood Vice President Negotiated Sale of Aborted Babies, Alleged News
[17] Scientists transplant Organs from Aborted Babies into Rats for future Harvest, Alleged News
[18] Inspections found Florida Planned Parenthood Clinics Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions, Alleged News
[19] Babies Brain Cells Transplanted Post Abortion into Mice, Alleged News
[20] UMASS Purchased Fetal Cadavers for Use in Humanized Mice, Alleged News
[21] Dutch Bishops Aid Group Funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes, Alleged News
[22] NY Catholic Church Paying for Abortions for Over a Decade, Alleged News
[23] Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood, A Special Investigative Report, Alleged News
[24] Lenten Alms given to Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Used to Fund Abortions, Alleged News
[25] Catholic Relief Services, MEDiCAM and Plans Re Abortion, Alleged News
[26] National Coalition of American Nuns [NCAN] Backed Abortion Drug Mandate, Alleged News
[27] Most Catholics in Massachusetts Legislature Support Planned Parenthood, Study Shows; Alleged News
[28] Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese; World Metting of Families President Funded Former Executive Director Planned Parenthood; Alleged News
[29] Catholics for Choice show Support for Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[30] Former satanist; I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics; Alleged News
[31] Satanic temple sued both Missouri and United States; satanic suit identified abortion as an 'essential religious duty' for satanists, Alleged News
With thanks to lifenews.com, cardinalnewmansociety.org, theconversation.com, priestsforlife.com, centerformedicalprogress.org, lifenews.com and youtube
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