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Lumiere Charity has viewed the online website link.
The 'Online WGS Resources' link leads to resources including pro-abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood and others also reportedly pro-abortion. [1]
What does Planned Parenthood do?
The abortion company has been exposed for selling the body parts of aborted children -
videos caught Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies which shocked the nation; Alleged News. [2]
Here is a list of 14:
- In the first video, Dr Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on baby-crushing: "We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact," Alleged News. [2]
- In the second video, Planned Parenthood's Dr Mary Gatter joked, "I want a Lamborghini" as she negotiated the best price for baby parts, Alleged News [2]
- In the third video, Holly O'Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked inside a Planned Parenthood clinic, detailed first-hand the atrocities and how she fainted in horror over handling baby legs, Alleged News [2]
- In the fourth video, Planned Parenthood's Dr Savita Ginde stated, "We don't want to do just a flat-fee (per baby) of like, $200. A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it, Alleged News. She also laughed while looking at a plate of fetal kidneys that were "good to go", Alleged News [2]
- In the fifth video, Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood-Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood's skill in obtaining "intact fetal cadavers" and how her "research" department "contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we're one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States," Alleged News [2]
- In the sixth video, Holly O'Donnell described technicians taking fetal parts without patient consent, "There were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don't know. And there's no way they would know," Alleged News [2]
-In the seventh video, Holly O'Donnell described the harvesting or "procurement" of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte's Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA, Alleged News. [2] "You want to see something kind of cool," O'Donnell says her supervisor asked her, "And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I'm sitting here and I'm looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don't know what to think," Alleged News [2]
- In the eighth video, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admits Planned Parenthood sells "a lot of" fully intact aborted babies, Alleged News [2]
- The ninth video, catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies - including one who "just fell out" of the womb, Alleged News [2]
- The tenth video, catches the nation's biggest abortion business selling specific body parts - including the hearts, eyes and "gonads" of unborn babies, Alleged News. The video also shows the ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit they are breaking federal law by selling aborted baby body parts for profit, Alleged News [2]
- Videos 11 to 14, Alleged News; described in the link at [2]
- Planned Parenthood allegedly failed to report rape in seven states, Alleged News [3]
Prolifers Concerns
- Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood, a Special Investigative Report, Alleged News [4]
- Dutch Bishops aid group funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes, Alleged News [5]
- NY Catholic Church paying for abortions for over a decade, Alleged News [6]
- Catholic Relief Services, MEDiCAM and plans re abortion, Alleged News [7]
- Lenten alms given to Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl used to fund abortions, Alleged News [8]
- Most Catholics in Massachusetts Legislature support Planned Parenthood, study shows; Alleged News [9]
- Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese, World Meeting of Families President funded former executive director Planned Parenthood, Alleged News [10]
- Catholic University Notre Dame hosts abortion activist Wendy Davis, calling her a 'modern-day heroine', Alleged News [11]
- Catholic Relief Services stored, dispensed abortifacient contraceptives to millions, Alleged News [12]
- Vatican has invited Dr Paul Ehrlich to present a paper at upcoming Vatican-run conference, Alleged News [13]
- Vatican event features array of population control supporters, Alleged News. Warning; not suitable for children [14]
- Vatican conference 'Biological Extinction' closed to the media, Alleged News [15]
- Catholic University of Louvain supports abortion, reportedly suspends prolife professor, Alleged News [16]
- At March for Life in Rome, University Professor Stephane Mercier reportedly facing investigation at University of Louvain, Alleged News [17]
- Vatican appoints two abortion activists to pro-life academy, Alleged News [18]
- satanic temple is suing both Missouri and United States, satanic suit identifies abortion as an 'essential religious duty' for satanists, Alleged News [19]
- Former satanist; I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics; Alleged News [20]
[1] Catholic University Links to Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[2] Cecile Richards comes unglued after Senate unveils bill to defund Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[3] Planned Parenthood allegedly failed to report rape in seven states, Alleged News
[4] Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood. a Special Investigative Report, Alleged News
[5] Dutch bishops aid group funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes, Alleged News
[6] NY Catholic Church paying for abortions for over a decade, Alleged News
[7] Catholic Relief Services, MEDiCAM and plans re abortion, Alleged News
[8] Lenten alms given to Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl used to fund abortions, Alleged News
[9] Most Catholics in Massachusetts Legislature support Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[10] Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese, World Meeting of Families President funded former executive director Planned Parenthood, Alleged News
[11] Catholic University Notre Dame hosts abortion activist Wendy Davis, calling her a 'modern-day heroine', Alleged News
[12] Catholic Relief Services stored, dispensed abortifacient contraceptives to millions, Alleged News
[13] Vatican has invited Dr Paul Ehrlich to present a paper at upcoming Vatican-run conference, Alleged News
[14] Vatican event features array of population control supporters, Alleged News. Warning; not suitable for children
[15] Vatican conference 'Biological Extinction' closed to the media, Alleged News
[16] Catholic University of Louvain supports abortion, reportedly suspends prolife professor, Alleged News
[17] At March for Life in Rome, University Professor Stephane Mercier reportedly facing investigation at University of Louvain, speaks; Alleged News
[18] Vatican appoints two abortion activists to pro-life academy, Alleged News
[19] satanic temple is suing both Missouri and United States; satanic suit identifies abortion as an 'essential religious duty' for satanists, Alleged News
[20] Former satanist; I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics, Alleged News
With thanks to lifenews.com and tfpstudentaction.org
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