Friday, March 27, 2020


THE CROSS IS OUR HOPE; POPE FRANCIS GIVES URBI ET ORBI BLESSING DURING CORONAVIRUS; ALLEGED NEWS. [1] On Friday, before an empty and rain-covered St Peter's Square, His Holiness Pope Francis held Eucharistic adoration and gave an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing, praying for the world during the coronavirus pandemic; Alleged News. [1]

Holy Hour
The holy hour March 27 included Gospel reading and a meditation by the pontiff, who spoke about faith and trust in God during a time when people fear for their lives, as did the disciples when their boat was caught in a violent storm; Alleged News. [1]

"We have an anchor; by His Cross we have been saved. We  have a rudder; by His Cross we have been redeemed. We have a hope; by His Cross we have been healed and embraced so that nothing and no-one can separate us from His redeeming love," said Pope Francis; Alleged News. [1]

Present nearby as the Holy Father held Eucharistic adoration was a miraculous crucifix which the Pope visited March 15 to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic; Alleged News. [1] The crucifix, which usually hangs in San Marcello al Corso, was venerated as miraculous by Romans after it was the only religious image to survive unscathed from a fire which gutted the church on May 23, 1519; Alleged News. [1]

Marian icon
Also present was a Byzantine icon of Mary as Salus Populi Romani, which was venerated during the prayer; Alleged News. [1] At the conclusion of the prayer, the Holy Father gave an extraordinaty Urbi et Orbi blessing, and gave benediction with the Blessed Sacrament while the bells of the basilica rang; Alleged News. [1]

Plenary indulgence
The extraordinary Urbi et Orbi included the opportunity for Catholics to receive a plenary indulgence by joining via the media, praying for the intentions of the Pope, and having perfect contrition, as well as the will to receive sacramental confession and the Eucharist as soon as possible; Alleged News. [1]

[1] The cross is our hope: Pope give Urbi et Orbi blessing during coronavirus; Alleged News

With thanks to and youtube

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