Monday, October 31, 2011

Module 1 - Becoming a priest




     Good Shepherd Church came into being in 2009. This was in response to the many requests received by Rev. Catherine to fill a need for the training of priests to bring the Good News as preached by Jesus Christ to people in areas with no priests or funding to train priests. GSC offers a free online self-study course for the priesthood.  This is Module 1 of the course. For further details, click into Google and visit

Objectives By the end of this module you should;

1 know the steps to become a priest
2 be aware of the need to pray for guidance to become a priest 
3 understand what a seminary is
4 understand how Jesus teaches us as disciples
5 be able to draw up a programme for yourself planning how best to equip yourself  
   for effective ministry
6 have an understanding of priestly ministry
Introduction; Jesus has called you in a special way.

Becoming a priest
1.1    How to become a priest
1.2    Learning at Jesus' Feet; the seminary
1.3    Definition of seminary  
1.4    How Jesus taught in His first seminary
1.5    Jesus' first disciples
1.6    Necessary qualities for a priest
1.7    The most important course a priest needs to take
1.8    Seminary requirements
1.9    The importance of priestly ministry
1.10  The people we are called to minister to

So you have felt that call from Jesus to follow Him in a special way. Your heart goes out in compassion to the homeless, the lost, the afraid, those in need. And Jesus has put the call on your heart to be a shepherd to His people. You have prayed about it; you have thought about it. And now you have decided; you wish to become a minister, a priest following in the footsteps of Jesus. This is a sacred calling, and is for life. It is also a great honour, and a blessed opportunity for your own soul to grow in ways you never imagined, as you quietly go about your ministry.

Step 1; Seek Advice;
Seek advice from another priest, someone you admire as a true ambassador of God. Find out what being a priest means, and decide if this is really what you want to do.
Step 2; Attend church services;
Attend church services regularly. Observe the duties of a priest; preaching the Word of God to people, baptising people into the community of Jesus, officiating at weddings and funerals. Realise that counselling people and their families forms part of being a good priest.
Step 3; Seek Ordination;
Apply for online ordination and become a priest. This enables you to start your ministry, and grow in knowledge and wisdom as your ministry in Christ grows with you.
Step 4; Attend seminary;
A seminary is a school of learning for priests to learn to be effective ministers for Christ. You have a number of options;
- Locate a school of Theology – a seminary – in your area or online. Good Shepherd
  Church Seminary offers courses.
- Obtain a Diploma of Theology at a distance learning seminary or Theological College
- Obtain an Honours Degree, Masters Degree or Doctorate in Theology/Spirituality.  
  Advanced courses can be found at colleges and universities.
Step 5; Know Your Bible;
Many courses involve studying and interpreting the Bible, which is important to you as priest when you preach to the People of God. You need to know the Bible and the life-giving message of Jesus’ love, wisdom and selflessness it contains. Once you know the Bible well, you will be confident to give sermons to church members and people needing to hear the Word of God.
Step 6; Do A Course In Counselling;
A good course in counselling will aid you to understand how to assist people with their daily lives, challenges and problems.
Step 7; Internship;
You will need experience to practise your ministry as priest. Find out which charities in your area may need a minister, also hospitals are a good place to intern. The Hospital may be a good place to practise your counselling skills after you have done a good accredited training. Remember to gain all necessary permissions from authorities in any place you wish to minister.
Step 8; What Is Ordination?
Ordination is the process whereby you commit yourself to the service of Jesus Christ in order to bring His good news to others as priest. This is a sacred calling; as we follow our sacred God. This means that we, as priests of God, must live good lives.

The elements you need for ordination are;
  1. Your personal call and conviction that Jesus Christ He wishes you to seek ordination as priest in order to serve Him.
  2. You need to be of good heart, and live a good life.
  3. You need training in order to be an effective priest.

As priest, we are on a special walk with Jesus. In order to be an effective priest, we as Christians need to ensure that we have been baptized, and that we are properly equipped for our ministry. Completing courses at seminary enables us to feel confident and be effective in our ministry to others.
Before choosing courses, spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit of God to guide you to choose those most suited to your present spiritual and ministry needs. Ask God to make clear to you what courses are best and most appropriate for your own personal ministry in the Name of Jesus. Remember that every priest has her or his own particular gifts given to them by God for the ministry for which He has chosen them. Courses chosen need to reflect preparation for the particular task God has in mind for each individual priest.

A seminary is an academic institution that teaches the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for effective Christian ministry. A good seminary offers the Minister credentials and confidence in ordination and ministry. And, since Jesus is the Word made flesh (John 1;14) to study in seminary is to study at Jesus' Feet.
1.3.1 The original template for seminary was when Jesus shared His words and heart with His disciples (students) for the years of his early ministry. Jesus taught His disciples that they were blessed to hear these things (Matthew 13;16-17). He used His disciples as missionaries to bring His Word to others, such as the woman at the well in Samaria (John 4;1 - 42). 

Jesus taught the Word of God to His disciples,  (Matt. 5; 1 to 7;29).  Jesus taught the Word of God to women (Luke 10;39). The disciples saw Jesus' compassionate healings, listened to His Word as parables, marveled at His miraculous power. His disciples saw His glory (Matt. 17; 1 - 3), and were humbled at His servant - leadership (Matt. 20; 25 - 28).

Jesus did not teach His disciples (students) theological arguments, religious history or languages. He did not give reading or writing assignments, or mark percentages as to their fitness to minister. Jesus knew their hearts, and taught them to listen with their hearts and purify their inner spirits. From a pure heart flows clean ministry.
Jesus counseled His disciples, and regularly praised or redirected them.
Jesus praised Peter for his faith and understanding that He was the Son of God (Matt. 16;17). Jesus praised His disciples as blessed, (Matthew 13;16-17).
  He redirected Martha about her negative attitude to her sister wishing to learn about the Word of God from Him as rabbi (Luke 10; 38 - 42). He rebuked Peter for being an obstacle in His path, by counseling Him not to follow the path God the Father had laid out for Him (Matt. 16; 23).

Jesus did not expect His disciples to be intellectual giants among their peers. In fact, people laughed at both Him and some of His disciples, for being from a country area, Nazareth.  Poor reputation was attached to Nazareth (John 1;46). The Galilean disciple Nathanael, before His call by Christ, asked, 'From Nazareth? Can anything good come from that place?' (John 1;46).
Jesus' disciples in the crowds were from all age groups. Jesus believed that children should always be allowed into the company of adults, and overturned His disciples' decision to refuse children to visit Him. People had brought little children to Him, so that He could lay His Hands on them, and pray. 'The disciples scolded them, but Jesus said, 'Let the little children alone, and do not stop them from coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of Heaven belongs.' Then He laid His Hands on them and went on His way.'  
(Matthew 19; 13 - 15).
Jesus did not require that either His disciples to whom He preached, or His disciples whom He chose for ministry, have university degrees. Jesus does the same today;  

We need to be of good heart and to do that which is right in the Name of Jesus. We also need to be thoroughly prepared to minister as worthwhile ministers of Jesus, who is the Son of God, the Almighty, the Creator. You can be ordained free and for life, and then choose courses and train for ministry afterwards. It is helpful for the priest to complete seminary courses in order to generally be able to take ministerial place in society with confidence. GSC studies are geared to enable priests to have the basic attributes in order to be able to communicate with people and to carry out ministry with ease and confidence.

 We need to sit at the Feet of Jesus in prayer and humility, to take time to be with Him in this busy world of ours. A good practice is to make time for prayer each day. It is also good to pray in a church daily or as often as possible within your work schedule. Prayer means talking to Jesus within your heart, and asking for guidance. Prayer also involves thanking Jesus for blessings you have received, sharing your worries about your life and others, and asking Him for help with difficulties. Jesus encouraged us to spend time in communication with Him, telling us that He would assist us in our difficulties. To this end He said, 'Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.' (Matt. 11; 28 - 30).
So; take time every day to talk to Jesus. Also talk to Him within your mind at various times in the day, while you are doing your normal everyday tasks.  Ask Jesus for help and inspiration when you have a tricky problem or need help to minister effectively. You can pray for assistance, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you in the right choice of words you need to help someone who is heartsore or in trouble. Jesus will never fail you.
Keep a small journal where you can put in Jesus' words of inspiration to you. You will be surprised at times at the wonderful answers He gives to you during your very special prayer times together.

Seminary requires of us to study theology as a servant of Jesus. This means we need to have a devotional discipline. We need to know and live the words of the Bible, and in particular the blueprint for human life as put before us by Jesus in the Gospels.
Seminary requires that we open our inner being to the grace of God in Christ, and allow our inner selves to grow in the Light of Christ. We need to spend time in prayer - prayer is conversation with God. We need to let the power of the Word of God go deep into our hearts, encouraging our relationships with God to grow. If our relationship as priests with God is strong and right, then all our other relationships in our lives will be strong and right, as they flow from the strength of our union as priest and the Jesus we serve.

Every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. Each one of us is unique and important to Him. So what we do is important to Him, too. When God chooses us to be His priest. His individual call to each of us as priest is part of a greater Plan that God has, for the ultimate good of all in the world and the success of good in the Plan for Creation. Each of us has our own unique contribution to make.

Our present priestly ministry may be vital in the lives of people. Have no doubt, a spiritual warfare between the forces of good of God, and those of evil belonging to satan, still rage. We are spiritual warriors leading and enabling others in their journey towards the Kingdom of God to withstand the assaults of the adversary satan who wishes to deny us our eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Satan knows we are on the road towards Heaven and winning our eternal destiny there. The destiny towards which me move is that which devil and his fallen angel followers forfeited when they instigated -  and then lost - the war that raged in heaven. That destiny of heavenly glory in the company of God and His angels has now been offered to us, God’s children in the world. The devil will do all possible to deflect us from this eternal destiny.

So our priestly ministry is important to strengthen others in the spiritual fight for goodness and godliness in this world, and to win the destiny of eternal life in glory and happiness in the next. We as priests need to learn to use the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, to deal with the enemy.


All the reins of the world are in God’s able hands, and He ordains who we are to meet and minister to. God is sovereignly able to care for those we are called to minister to. He chooses to use us as His shepherds to help lead His flock. That makes the people we minister to important in our lives, and worthy of the very best service we can give.


Copyright 2011 by Rev. Catherine Whittle D.D. All rights reserved.

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