Thursday, March 29, 2012

Deadline; 8th April 2012 Thousands of vulnerable children in desperate need of aid

SOS Children's Villlages operates over 540 Children's Villages worldwide, including Sudan and South Sudan, where their Emergency Rescue Centres are preparing to care for unaccompanied children.

Lumiere Charity is extremely concerned about the welfare of thousands of vulnerable children in desperate need in Sudan. As apprised by President and CEO John Allen of SOS Children's Villages USA by email, on April 8th 2012 thousands of children will be moved over the border in Sudan. Many of the children have no mothers, fathers, aunts or uncles to protect them. They may be plucked from the streets and orphanages to be sent by train. SOS Children's Villages, a dedicated Organization for Children, is preparing to help the children. Some of the children may be disabled. The funds needed to provide food, medical supplies and safe drinking water are not yet available. SOS Children's Villages are thus requesting that we help as we can, and make donation if possible.

There is unrest in the area, and SOS Children's Villages is very concerned for the welfare of these children. The United Nations has monitored cases of violence against abandoned children, forced labour, sexual abuse, trafficking and recruitment as child soldiers.

Perhaps Providence has led you to read these words so that your care and donation can help these children caught in tragic circumstances. If your financial situation is not such that you can afford to make a donation, please offer your other great gift; prayer for all those in this situation and for those preparing to help.

Lumiere Charity remembers Minister Helen Mboro as she prepares the way for the children to be welcomed. We also remember Juba and Malakal SOS Children's Villages as they prepare to provide shelter, care and psychological support to children under twelve years of age. Imagine; under twelve, a small and lonely child in these circumstances must feel so frightened and alone. In the spirit of Lumiere, please do what you can to help make a new life for these innocents.

For donation, please click on
or you can click on
$50 can provide educational supplies
$120 can provide food for a month
$150 can provide safe drinking water
$1000 can provide medical supplies for a month

* Ms. Helen Atkins of SOS Children's Villages audio interview with Minister Helen Mboro, please click on this link

*Report on the April 8th 2012 deadline, please see

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