Tuesday, February 28, 2017


One person was informed of this just as he was about to board his flight for the conference: Alleged News. [2]
  'The sponsor' [for the Vatican workshop] 'the Pontifical Academy for the Social Sciences [PASS], decided late last week that the event would not be open to the public or the press, leaving several of us who have come from far distant places in the lurch. PASS president Bishop Sanchez Sorondo was kind enough to write me back Friday immediately (just before I boarded my flight), that the workshop was only for the academicians (members) and their (sic) invitees, though earlier there were instructions on the PASS website for how to apply', Robert Royal relates; Alleged News. [2]

Pro-abortion population control activist
Yesterday -  Monday 27th February 2017 - pro-abort population control activist Paul Ehrlich spoke at the Vatican conference on 'how to save the natural world' despite pro-life outcry; Alleged News. [1]

Babies termed 'garbage', Alleged News
Dr Ehrlich supports forced abortion and mass sterilization: Alleged News. [1] He has compared human babies to garbage, and suggested sex-selective abortion might be a better fate for girls than being born; Alleged News. [1]

Petition of more than 10,000 signatures
LifeSiteNews delivered a petition of more than 10,000 signatures asking the Vatican to rescind Dr Ehrlich's invitation to speak; Alleged News. [1]
  'Thousands called on Pope Francis to ensure that a leading proponent of abortion and sterilization was not given a platform in the Vatican, but Ehrlich's speech has taken place nonetheless', said Maria Madise of Voice of the Family. 'The pro-life and pro-family movement is deeply concerned about the openness of Vatican authorities to anti-life and anti-family positions. These are not purely academic questions: the lives and wellbeing of real children are at stake', Alleged News. [1]

Workshop focus
The focus of the Workshop 'Biological Extinction' explores inter alia the following;
'Global Footprint Network' . . . 'carefully measures our consumption of all aspects of the world's sustainable productivity, and has calculated that in about 1970 we were using about 70% of the Earth's sustainable capacity, and now that we are using about 156%. Nevertheless there are 800 million people chronically malnourished and 100 million on the verge of starvation at any one time. How have such imbalances, both among contemporaries and between the present and future generations come about, and how are they sustained?' . . .'The survival of the natural world, and ultimately our survival, depends on our adoption of principles of social justice and sustainability.' [3]

Qualitative and Quantifiable analysis
On the practical theological plane, two questions come to mind; using qualitative and quantitative theological analysis, 100 % is usually the full quota. 
  Percent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100. 
  100%, then, means 100 for each 100, which is all. As a quantitative based amount, 156% is difficult to use for reliable analysis. 

  It is not possible to use the full percentage of 100% [all] plus another 56% [all plus a further half and additional six percent] as a quantifiable survey instrument. 
  All means all. 

156% appears non-quantifiable and difficult to support through use of evidence-based quantifiable data.
   The premise that all [100 percent] of natural existing resources - plus a further 56% - is currently being used, appears to be academic theoretical percentage in place of evidence-based quantitative research proof. 

Regenerative resources
We have not yet used 100% [all] of the existing resources of the world. 
  Daily we use water [which regenerates through natural means and pours down replenishing seas, rivers, lakes, wells and the water bed]; food [new crops grow each fruitful season]; natural minerals and resources [not yet depleted].
  We use wood [new trees grow from seeds and acorns]. We make use of wool [every season sheep grow new coats].
  Fire can never be fully used up. A tinder, some sparks - or two branches rubbed together - furnish new flame.
  The soil can never be used up. We have grown crops from the soil for centuries, and will continue to do so.
 Milk is produced anew on an ongoing basis, making cheese and many other products possible.
  Eggs are continually laid, thus a continual fresh resource.

  Many of the resources in our world are renewable, according to the great Plan of the Creator.
  It is encumbent upon us to use our resources wisely and well. 
Starvation and poor life circumstances are often due to a number of factors, including;

  • World resources are, at times, unequally shared out, with few taking much
  • Those who have excess crops, fish, milk, and other resources at times dispose of these as waste, in order to keep financial profit high; instead of sharing these resources with others who do not have necessities for life
  • Wars, theft and crime cause much suffering, and have impact on resources
  • Natural disasters such as famines and earthquakes bring suffering in their wake.

Future generations yet to come
It is quantitative and qualitative supposition to accept concrete imbalance in future generations as, firstly, future generations have not yet been born; secondly, due to future births not having yet taken place, there is no possible avenue to collect evidence-based data in order to support the academic claim.

Population control activist speakers
The workshop features an array of population control supporters; Alleged News. [4]
  Population control theory often supports population control.
  Malthus' theory of population growth argued that an exponentially growing population will self-correct through war, famine and disease. Malthus cautioned that in order to avoid catastrophe such as famine and war people should enact deliberate population control such as birth control and celibacy; Alleged News. [5]
  Malthusian catastrophes refer to naturally occurring checks on population growth such as famine, disease and war; Alleged News. [5]

In practical terms, population control may involve monitor and management of personal reproductive powers by fertile men and women.
  Often management of personal reproductive choices include resources such as

  • chemical and instrumental means [contraceptive medication and IUD's]
  • chemical and surgical 'interruption of pregnancies' [euphemism for abortion]

The reality; Women suffer and die
The reality is that contraception and abortion often prove dangerous to the health, mental wellbeing and spiritual peace of women.
  Those who have worked in Charity for many years have seen devastation caused by contraception and abortion.

Family planning is indeed essential. 
God Himself - the loving and ever-wise Parent - has inbuilt the ability to plan and space a family within the woman's reproductive system. [6]
  Birth control which is morally value-based, biologically safe and chemical-free - as well as non threatening to new life - is inbuilt into the natural reproductive system of the woman. 

Various forms of natural family planning are;
1. The Billings Ovulation Method [7]
2. Ovulation Home test [8]

Evidence-based results of contraception and abortion
Those in Charity have observed at first hand results of contraceptive and abortion use.
These include:

  • Failure rates of condoms; there are some problems with relying on condoms to prevent pregnancy. The failure rate among typical users is around 15 percent [9]
  • Failure rates of diaphragms; even if used, fitted, and positioned correctly, the failure rate is about 6 percent [9]
  • IUD's [Intra uterine devices]; The copper IUD may increase menstrual bleeding or cramps. The hormonal IUD can cause hormonal side effects similar to those caused by the Pill, including headaches, mood swings, breast tenderness and acne. Also, between 2 and 10 percent of IUD's are pushed out from the uterus into the vagina during the first year, in which case the woman is no longer protected against pregnancy [9]
  • Hormonal Methods; hormonal methods of contraception like the Pill have side effects and long term risks. Side effects may include tender breasts, nausea and breakthrough bleeding. Some women taking the pill can experience weight gain, mood changes or loss of libido. More serious side effects can occur when the Pill is used by women with particular risk factors such as smokers, those with cardiovascular problems or high blood pressure. In these cases the risks of stroke and heart attack are increased. There is also a small risk of the serious condition Deep Vein Thrombosis [DVT]: so women with blood clot problems should not take the pill. Long term risks: it is possible that the Pill may increase a woman's risk of breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer may be further increased the longer the woman takes the Pill, and the older the woman is who is taking it. The increased risk does not disappear until 10 years after stopping the Pill [10]

  • Dangers of IUD, IUCD: Intrauterine device [or IUD] and intrauterine Copper Device [IUCD] are placed within the uterus or womb in order to prevent pregnancy. Intrauterine Devices serious complications reportedly include life threatening ectopic pregnancy/ perforation of the uterine wall/ pelvic inflammatory disease,/complications leading to medical expense, lost wages, pain and suffering/ adverse events including device expulsion, device dislocation and vaginal haemorrhage/ IUD associated hospitalizations/ hospitalizations with complicated pregnancies [11]
  • Depo Provera; is an injectable hormonal contraceptive. Possible side effects of Depo Provera allegedly include: Bleeding not related to menstrual period/ altered interest in having sexual intercourse/ dizzy/ feeling weak/ head pain/ intense abdominal pain/ nervous/ problems with periods/ signs and symptoms at injection site/ weight gain/ depression/ acne/ breast tenderness/ change in appetite/ chronic trouble sleeping/ discharge from the vagina/ feel like throwing up/ hair loss/inflammation or infection of vagina/  joint pain/ leg cramps/ low energy/ painful periods/ rash/ swelling of the abdomen/ visible water retention/ blood clot within the blood vessels of the eye/ blood clot in lung/ blood clot in vein/ breast tumor/ Cushing's Syndrome/ decreased calcification or density of bone/ discharge of milk when not breastfeeding/ giant hives/ high amount of calcium in blood/ life threatening allergic reaction/ liver problems/ optic disk edema/ obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot/ osteoporosis/ seizures/ skin condition marked by red and painful nodules/ yellowing of skin or eyes from bile flow problems/ abnormal fat distribution/ absence of menstrual periods/ drowsiness/ dry skin/ erosion of cervix/ excessive hairiness/ fever/  fibrous thickening of the skin/ itching/ numbness and tingling/ temporary redness of face and neck/ water retention/ yellow-brown patches on skin [12]
  • Depo Provera has three effects: two of which are contraceptive. Depo Provera can both prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus, making it difficult for the sperm to reach the ovum. Both of these effects can prevent contraception, thus these are 'contraceptive' effects. Depo Provera also inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins which, in turn, prevent follicular maturation and ovulation and results in endometrial thinning. When the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, is thinned, it is rendered hostile to implantation of the newly conceived baby. This means that Depo Provera sometimes acts as an abortifacient [13]
  • Emergency Contraceptive Pill [ECP's]. The emergency contraceptive morning after pill has three modes of action. It can work in one of three ways: the normal menstrual cycle is altered, delaying ovulation/ or ovulation is inhibited, meaning the egg will not be released from the ovary/ it can irritate the lining of the uterus [endometrium] so as to inhibit implantation of the newly created baby. Thus if emergency contraception is taken after the fertilization of an ovum by sperm has taken place, the third mode of action can occur. The lining of the uterus can be altered causing the woman's body to reject the newly created child, making implantation impossible and the child will die. The result is called a chemical abortion. [14] Thus emergency contraception is an abortifacient 
  • The Contraceptive Pill; acts by one or a combination of methods, some pills prevent ovulation. Others prevent implantation of a fertilized baby in the endometrium or lining of the uterus [abortifacient].Still others thicken the mucus around the cervix, making it difficult for the sperm to penetrate. Also the pill is a carcinogen [WHO]. The contraceptive pill allegedly has side effects which can include; weight gain/ mood changes/ breast tenderness/ increased risk of breast cancer/ increased risk of blood clotting, heart attack and stroke/ migraines/ gall bladder disease/ increased blood pressure/ nausea/ irregular bleeding or spotting/ benign liver tumors/ antibiotics have been shown to decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills/ yeast overgrowth/ possible nutrient deficiencies leading to risk of fluid retention, depression, heart disease [15]
  • The World Health Organization ranks the Pill as a Group I carcinogen. [16] [A carcinogen means a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue]. The synthetic hormones found in birth control pills increase the risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer. This is especially so if women take oral contraceptives for four or more years and they use them before their first full-term pregnancy. A meta-analysis published in the USA Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that 21 out of 23 studies showed that oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer. The increased risk was 44 percent. In 2005, the World Health Organization officially classed oral contraceptives as a 'Class One Carcinogen' meaning they are a 'known human carcinogen' or cancer causing agent. This places them in the same category as formaldehyde, human papilloma virus [linked to cervical cancer] and benzene [17]. The potent synthetic hormones found in pill form are also used in the contraceptive patch, implanted rod and vaginal ring, thus leading Cabot MD and Jasinska ND to assume they have similar risks, Alleged News [17]
Moral Law
How do we ensure all of humanity receives an equal and life-sustaining portion of the natural resources of our planet?

At the very heart of the moral law is the reality that God is the center of reasonable, rational moral law. He, the Creator, holds eternal sway over eventual outcome.

Popular conversation over the past few decades has included the premise that there are too many people using planet resources.

With regard to this conversation, moral theology can point to the following:
  • Some humans receive an extremely small share of planetal resources, while others command personally unusable large amounts of the same. This has connotations for social justice
  • Women are often pressurized from many platforms to use discretion within their reproductive choices. At times, the pressure is to [unknowingly] place their own health at risk through contraceptive and abortifacient large-scale programmes. This has connotations for gender justice
  • Mothers who die due to contraceptive complications or abortion complications leave behind orphans. This has social justice implications
  • Men whose spouses or partners die due to contraceptive complications or abortion complications are bereft of their partner and mother of their children, for life. This has social justice implications
  • Moral teaching goes as far back to the Didache, a document from the second half of the first century or early second century and reading 'You shall not practice birth control, you shall not murder a child by abortion, nor kill what is begotten']. [18] Far from being an ancient and outdated form of moral theology, this was inspired prophecy; results of forms of birth control and abortion have been starkly evidenced in the broken and wounded bodies of our women and children 
  • Moral advocates - in order to remain authentic - require full adherence to the cause or policy they publicly support. The Christian moral advocate needs to turn to God as the ultimate source. God engraved in stone the ruling that we, as humanity, need to obey in order to attain peace and justice for all: 'Thou shalt not kill'. The use of contraceptive and abortive agents may have unintended consequence of hurt and/or death of the mother, as well as the [intended] death of the unborn child. Thus, morally, advocacy of contraceptive and abortive agents by either direct or collusional means, deal directly with the grave moral matter of the commandment.
  • Liberation theology supports social justice. Social justice for the mother requires family planning that does not cause unintended health and life risk consequences. Social justice for the unborn includes the most basic right to life: not to be subjected to torture and death through abortion procedure
Points to ponder
1. As newly conceived people enter the world, people pass out of this world due to natural death. There are those who do not have children. There is a natural balance within this equation
2. The rate of decimation of newly conceived people into the world [through various forms of contraception and abortion] have possibly had deleterious effect on modern society
3. Many of our children, together with their talents, skills and income-generating ability have been lost to our world through contraception and abortion 
4. Individuals may have been denied their true soulmate due to their soulmate having been contracepted or aborted
5. Sex-selective abortions have impacted society, and possibly contain profound implications for future society 
6. Cultural preference for sons has led to multiple effects; in China, for example, men outnumber women to the number of '33 million', Alleged News. [19] This has implications for marital partner opportunities. 
7. A study points to a surplus of males in several countries, Alleged News. [20] The use of reproductive technology to service a preference for male offspring has created an artificial gender imbalance, Alleged News. [20]  These men will be unable to get married, in societies in which marriage is regarded as virtually universal, and where social status depends, in large part, on being married and having children; Alleged News. [20] One hypothesis assumes that not being able to meet the traditional expectations of marriage and childbearing will cause low self-esteem and increased susceptibility to psychological difficulties, including suicidal tendencies; Alleged News [20] The combination of psychological vulnerability and frustration might lead to aggression and violence, Alleged News. [20]
8. Various countries now evidence disturbances in  SRB, [sex ratio at birth], Alleged News. [20]
9. The world population continues to grow older rapidly as fertility rates have fallen to very low levels in most world regions and people tend to live longer, Alleged News. [21]
10. It is postulated that in 2050, the population pyramid reflects the longer terms effects of China's declining fertility.The echo generation will be approaching older ages [60 to 64]. Age groups older than 60 will likely form a heavy top for China's age distribution; Alleged News. As the smaller birth cohorts of the 1990s and 2000s reach prime working ages, China will experience a shrinking labor force; Alleged News. By 2050, the population in the primary working ages, 20 to 59, is projected to represent only 46.5 percent of the total population, down from the peak of 61.6 percent in 2011, Alleged News [22]
11.  Western societies tend to have the highest proportion of older people and are facing considerable pressure on pension and health systems, including services and financial resources for old age care; Alleged News. An important aspect for for old age support is who will provide the care, especially for those who are very old and have no partners, Alleged News.  [23]




[1] Pro-abort population control activist speaks at Vatican conference despite outcry; Alleged News

[2] Bioextinction Workshop: Report One

[3] Workshop on Biological Extinction, page 3; Alleged News

[4] Vatican event features array of population control supporters: Alleged News. Warning; not suitable for children 

[6] Value-based sexual expression, page 4

[7] Value-based sexual expression, pages 25 to 30

[8] Value-based sexual expression, pages 30 to 31

[9] Wanting to prevent pregnancy? Looking for a fresh approach to birth control? Page 5

[10] Wanting to prevent pregnancy? Looking for a fresh approach to birth control? Page 6

[11] Intra Uterine Devices - are they suitable for our Teenage Girls?

[12] WebMD, List Depo Provera intramuscular side effects by likelihood and severity, Alleged News

[13] Depo Provera: Injectable Abortion, Alleged News

[14] The truth about the 'morning after' pill; Alleged News

[15] Just say 'no' to birth control pills, Alleged News

[16] Did you know the World Health Organization ranks the Pill as a Group I Carcinogen, Alleged News

[17] Cabot, Sandra M.D. and Jasinska, Margaret N.D. 2008. The Breast Cancer Prevention Guide. SCB International Inc:USA

[18] Abortion, contraception and the Church Fathers;Alleged News

[19] Sex-selective abortion: The Real War on Women, Alleged News

[20] The effects of artificial gender imbalance, Alleged News

[21] An Aging World: 2015; Alleged News. Page 11

[22] An Aging World: 2015; Alleged News. Page 26

[23] An Aging World:2015; Alleged News. Page 30 to 31

With thanks to lifesitenews.com, thecatholicthing.org, pas.va, billings.life, webmd.com, hli.org, morningafterpill.com, articles.mercola.com, jillstanek.com,  Cabot, Sandra MD and Jasinska and Margaret ND, ncregister.com, lozierinstitute.com, ncbi.nlm.nih.gove and census.gov

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