Thursday, July 4, 2024




Humankind was born for greatness

In the Sermon on the Mount, the Law of the Kingdom is clearly laid out by Jesus in Chapters 5 to 7. The reality of Biblical history is that humankind was born for greatness. "God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God He created him." [Genesis 1:27]    Clearly, there is something infinitely lovely here. Man and woman were essentially born to be royal within the Kingdom of God.

The spiritual history of humankind within the Bible shows that humankind lost their greatness. Instead of achieving royalty through being servants of God, humankind became the slaves of sin.

Jesus, our Saviour, came to this world from Heaven to show us that humankind can regain our greatness. Even after the disaster and distress of the Fall and the abandonment by our ancestors of the Plan of God, God did not allow humankind to be destroyed by our own folly. Rather, He sent His Son Jesus Christ into our world to liberate us from the shackles of sin and so that we could regain full fellowship with God.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us the Law of the Kingdom and the royal road to greatness.

Celestial Treasure

Jesus counselled us not to think only of the present, but to store up for the eternal future. Those who scurry after wealth, prestige and power on this earth search for a phantom which will melt away when earth's day is done.

No house, no silver, no gold, no finery can be taken with us when we go to God. We leave this world at the moment of death to face our personal judgement with God, with no earthly goods at our side. What items we have accumulated on earth will not stand to our good in heaven. Through His Blood shed on the cross, Jesus Christ paid the penalty of sin and satisfied the demands of Divine Justice, reconciling humankind with God. 

The Son of God triumphed over sin, death and the power of the devil over humankind. Jesus secured redemption for each person in the past, the present and the future. It is up to us whether we accept the Saviour's redemption and the grace which His resurrection won for us. Our true treasure in Heaven are our efforts to do good, give alms, be kind, do godly actions. 

Jesus told us not to lay up treasures upon this earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but to lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Jesus tells us, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  [Matthew 6:21]

Spiritual treasure

Spiritual treasure are the holy moments which shape the journey of our lives, where God touches our hearts not to pursue people, money, and objects with no thought to the Commandments of God. Spiritual treasure are actions of justice, kindness and godliness which will stand to our good stead when we have to answer to God for our actions and inactions during our earthly lives. 

Do not be afraid of your judgement

Do not be afraid of your judgement. Do the best you can, and entrust the rest to God. We are but made of the earth, and are frail. God understands this. Yet, we are not only made of earth. We are also made in the Image and Likeness of God. God does not expect us to manage our lives all on our own. God stoops to us, and assist us to deeds of mercy, justice, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and godliness. Turn to God when you need Divine Help and Grace to rise above natural tendencies to pride, anger, avarice, greed, lust and jealousy. God will surely help.

The teaching of celestial treasure has as kernel the reality that if one places one's treasure in Heaven, that is where one's heart and attention also will be.

Godly actions

Godly actions are not to trumpet your good deeds in front of others [Matthew 6:1].  Give assistance and alms to the needy {Matthew 6:2-4]. Pray to God the Father in privacy [Matthew 6:5-8]. Fast [that is, be temperate in your eating and drinking] and do this in Honour of Almighty God [Matthew 6:16-18]. Thus, good deeds, alms, prayer and fasting are supports which store up treasure in Heaven. 

Our true and lasting treasure consists of our love for God, our respect for His ways, our striving to do good in His Name. Alms in good spirit, fasting in faith-filled way, prayer in intimate relationship with God, love for others and good self-respect, kind deeds in the Name of God; these are the true treasure we must store up for Heaven.

Fine clothes disintegrate over time

Fine clothes disintegrate over time; wealth can be stolen; paper currency may be destroyed. Houses, estates and palaces may be lost or fall into ruin. 

Royal testimony of character

Yet the celestial treasure of following the Ten Commandments and the Law of the Kingdom as laid out by the Son of God in the Sermon on the Mount will stand to our good and be our royal testimony of character, forever in Heaven. [Matthew 6:19-21]

With thanks to Youtube

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