Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Introduction to Seminary Training Course


Good Shepherd Church came into being in 2009. This was in response to the many requests received by Rev. Catherine to fill a need for the training of priests to bring the Good News as preached by Jesus Christ to people in areas with no priests or funding to train priests. GSC offers a free online self-study course for the priesthood. This is the Introduction to the course. For further information see http://lumierecharity.tripod.com/good-shepherd-church.html

Seminary Training
First, a few words on how to do the seminary training.
It is entirely up to you how long you spend on each module. You can spend all your free time on it, or spread the time you wish to study over several months. I suggest you take time to read a module thoughtfully (preferably at least twice). Each module is self-contained. However, we do encourage you to seek out further reading which will benefit you in your ministry. 

Outcomes for the GSC Seminary Training in Theology
By the end of the seminary training , you should;
  •  Have developed confidence as you practise your priestly ministry 
  • Have experienced growth in your relationship with God/Jesus Christ 
  • Be able to tell others about the Christian faith with understanding and belief in God/Jesus Christ 
  • Know more about your priestly ministry, the Sacred Rites, the Bible and its meaning 
  • Offer healing and care to people in your church and in the community with integrity 
  • Have developed knowledge and skills which will enable you to contribute towards growth in your church and community
Module 1 - Becoming a Priest 
This module gives you the steps to becoming a priest. It works through the initial stages of experiencing the call from Jesus to follow Him in a special way, through the practical steps of how to follow this call. It will help you understand your call from Jesus Christ to be a priest. The module will also help you to train yourself after ordination for effective, skilled and confident priestly ministry. It underlines the importance of integrity and prayer in the priest's life. It explains the Seminary, a school of learning for priests to learn to be effective ministers for Christ.
 Outcomes; By the end of the Module, you should

  • Know the steps to become a priest 
  • Be aware of the need to pray for guidance to become a priest 
  • Understand what a seminary is 
  • Understand how Jesus teaches us as disciples 
  • Be able to draw up a programme for yourself planning how best to equip yourself with the skills you need to be an effective priest in ministry 
  • Have an understanding of priestly ministry
  • This Module is found at http://lumierecharity.blogspot.com/2011/10/module-1-becoming-priest.html

Module 2 – Jesus the Person – Jesus of Nazareth
This Module will give you an understanding of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The module discusses the role of Jesus Christ, and how He is working presently in our communities as the Resurrected Son of God.
Outcomes;  At the completion of the module you should;
Module 3 - Jesus the Baby - The Early Years
Module 3 discusses the Infancy of Jesus from the visit of the Angel Gabriel to His mother Mary, through His Birth and the subsequent events in Bethlehem, to His parents’ flight into Egypt with Him in order to secure His safety.
Outcomes;  At the completion of the module, you should;
Module 4 – The Sacred Rites – The Service of Baptism
This module explains Jesus Christ's baptism at the hands of John the Baptist in the River Jordan. The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus to anoint Him for His mission of saving the world. The Voice of God affirmed that Jesus is His Son Whom He loved, and Whom He was sending to earth to be the Messiah and King, the Saviour Who was to offer Himself as a sacrifice on the Cross. Jesus chose to be baptised to lead the way for all of us, to follow with this great sign of commitment to a path of growth and development as a child of God.
Outcomes; By the end of this module, you should

Module 5 – Prayer for the Priest
We follow Jesus of Nazareth Who spent much time in prayer. His deep prayer led to strong and decisive action and service of others. This module will help you to understand Jesus of Nazareth as a Man of prayer, and why He has called us to be people of prayer. The module explains what prayer is, and why we pray. It shows how prayer is a sign of Jesus’ humility, and will help you to develop prayer in your life. You will be shown how to find resources of Prayer, and how to make your personal choices from prayer to best benefit you in your personal ministry as Good Shepherd priest. The module explains how prayer transforms our lives by helping us to model our lives on Jesus.
Outcomes; At the completion of this module, you should be able to;

Module 6 – The Sacred Rites – Breaking of Bread Service
This module will enable you to understand the Sacred Rite which is the Service of the Breaking of Bread. This rite is also called Eucharist; the Eucharist; Divine Liturgy; the Mass; Lord’s Supper; Holy Communion. As priests we encourage people to remember Jesus by leading them in the Sacred Christian rite of the Breaking of Bread. Jesus makes Himself present bodily in the act in which a group of people share food and drink together in His memory. We break bread as Jesus did at the final supper with His disciples, and remember His words, ‘Take, eat, this is My Body’. (Matthew 26;26).
Outcomes; By the end of this module, you should

Module 7  – Jesus the Boy (1)  – Learning about Life
This module deals with the boyhood of Jesus, both in Nazareth, and in Jerusalem.
Outcomes;  By the end of the module, you should
Module 8   – The Sacred Rites – Celebration of Marriage Service
This module explains about the sacred rite of marriage, where two people celebrate their love by declaring before their community their intention to spend their time together. They commit to a lifetime together of learning the lessons of love, devotion and sharing. They further call on Almighty God to witness their promises to each other, and to become a force of love in their marriage. The module will explain how the priest officiates at the Marriage ceremony, and where to find resources as priest to conduct the marriage ceremony.
Outcomes; By the end of this module, you should 
  • Know what the marriage service and ceremony entails 
  • Be able to conduct a marriage ceremony as priest 
  • Be able to give a sermon at the marriage ceremony, explaining how the love of God in Jesus Christ will be a guiding light to the new couple as they learn the lessons of love - how to love, share, support and forgive in relationship
  • This Module is found at  http://lumierecharity.blogspot.com/2012/02/module-8-celebration-of-marriage.html 
Module 9  – Jesus the Boy (2) - Growing in Wisdom and Stature
This module explains about the continuing boyhood of Jesus as He grew in wisdom and stature.
Outcomes; By the end of this module, you should

Module 10 - Jesus' Missing Years
This module discusses Jesus’ teenage years, His life as a young man and various theories of Jesus’ whereabouts during His so-called ‘Missing Years’.
Outcomes; By the end of the module, you should;
  • Be aware of how Jesus developed, both as Son of God, and as human
  •  Realise how dedicated Jesus was to His ministry to humanity 
  • Know that as we all have to grow and develop physically, mentally, emotionally,     spiritually and socially, so too did Jesus 
  • Know that Jesus had to spend time and explore how to carry out His Messianic ministry according to the Father's Will
  • This Module is found at http://lumierecharity.blogspot.ie/2012/05/module-10-jesus-missing-years.html
Module 11 - The Four Gospels Part 1
This module discusses the Four Gospels. The word 'gospel' means good news. Four people gave accounts of the good news of the life of Jesus Christ on this earth, and the hope He offers us as the Son of God of eternal life in Heaven. Learn more about their accounts in Part 1 of The Four Gospels.
Outcomes; By the end of the module, you should;
  • Know what the gospels means
  • Know who the four evangelists (gospel writers) are in the New Testament
  • Know there are links between the gospels in the New Testament and the prophecies in the Old Testament
  • Be able to discuss the Four Gospels with knowledge and faith
This Module is found at 

Module 12 - The Four Gospels Part 2
This module completes the discussion on the Four Gospels. Learn more about how The Way (the message of the Early Church) spread like wildfire, until Early Christianity was established by AD 250.
Outcomes; By the end of the module, you should;
  • Know what The Way means
  • Know about Jesus' message of peace
  • Know about the early spread of Christianity
The Module is found at

Module 13 - Your Prayer Life
As Christian priests, we need to develop our personal talent for prayer – the development of relationship with God. This module assists you in learning how to develop your prayer life, and what resources are available for this.
Outcomes; At the end of the module, you should be able to
Module 14 - Jesus the Man; Baptism Part 1
This module discusses the Baptism of Jesus. Jesus came from Galilee to be baptised by John the Baptist. The Baptism was a pivotal point in Christian History, during which God spoke and validated His Love and Approval of His Son.
Outcomes; By the end of this Module you should
  • Know what Baptism means
  • Be able to preach about the Baptism of Jesus at the hands of John the Baptist
  • Know that God Himself witnessed by speech and sign that Jesus is His Son
  • Know who John the Baptism was
This Module is found at 

Module 15 - Following Christ
This module discusses the following of Jesus Christ. Our life's greatest decision is our choice as to where we want to live our eternal life after human death. God has a personal plan for each one of us. Find out more by studying this Module.
Outcomes; By the end of the Module you should
  • Be able to reflect on the Call to Follow Jesus
  • Know that our life's decisions make an impact on our eternal future 
  • Know what criteria Jesus used when choosing His disciples
  • Know that, as the disciples were called in Jesus' time, we too are called to follow Him
  • Be able to complete the Reflection Assignment for your own personal spiritual growth
This Module is found at 



In Process of Updating, 28th August 2014

Copyright 2011 by Rev. Catherine Whittle D.D. All rights reserved
For free use for any worthy purpose

1 comment:

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