Friday, December 30, 2011

The work of Pastor Johan and Pastor Marianna

Pastor Johan came in from his pastoral visits, ready for the afternoon giving of food to the poor and those in need. Many helpers who were being assisted in learning skills were there to assist in the giving out of the food. For hours the numbers of those in need came from all areas, looking for the food which enables them to keep their families alive. Pumpkins from local farmers ensures healthy vegetable diet for those in need. The reduction of illness and the improvement in the living conditions of the people in the area in the past years has simply been astounding.

As the afternoon stretches into evening, potatoes are bagged and given out to those requiring assistance. In the dusty South African sun, people labour to organise food for those back at home. The cameraderie, mutual respect and fun is clear as the work continues.

The area itself is dusty - water is given for parched throats, and I was very glad to receive cool and refreshing glasses of water from the CRC office, which is offered with hospitality to all who stop in and are thirsty.

Pastor Johan and Pastor Marianna minister out in the township area, bringing ease and comfort through their dedicated service to many in need.

The amount of food given out daily is staggering. Here is a small portion of the daily needs of the poor.

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