Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lumiere English Academy; How to use Verbs and their Tenses correctly (3)

Lumiere English academy
A Basic Grammar

I will love (An abbreviated version can be used - I'll; you'll (singular); he'll; she'll; it'll; we'll; you'll (plural); they'll).


1.   Next year John (to attend) ................................ the Technical College (will attend)
2.   All of us (to take part) ..................................... in tertiary studies next year (will take part)
3.   I (to get) ............................................ my driver's licence, you will see (l will get)
4.   One day we (to meet) .................................. again (will meet)
5.   They (to be) .................................. happy when their new baby is born (will be)
6.   Once John manages to pay off his debts he (to start) ........................ saving money (will start)
7.   Tomorrow he (to visit) ................................... his grandparents (will visit)
8.   You (learn) .................................... for the exam, even though you say you have no time (will learn)
9.   On his return from London they (to be) ................................. married (will be)
10. Perseverance (to be) ................................... rewarded (will be)
11. When she goes to Klerksdorp, she (look) .......................... for a bargain for curtains for us (will look)
12. She (to arrive) ........................... at ten o' clock tomorrow morning (will arrive)
13. Who do you think (to win) ............................. the Oscar awards next year? (will win)
14. We (to do) .............................. what we can to help you in your plight (will do)
15. If all goes well we (to have) ......................... enough money to buy a new car by next year (will have)
16. If we go on using so much food, it (to be) ........................... finished before we're paid again (will be)
17. Do you believe those enemies (to make) ................................. up their quarrel? (will make)
18. What programmes do you think she (to watch) ........................... on television tonight? (will watch)
19. He (to learn) ............................... to fly an aeroplane soon (will learn)
20. He (to come) ................................... to grief unless he learns to drive more carefully (will come)
21. He (to prune) ..................................... the trees in his garden in July (will prune)

I am loving
We use this when the action we are describing has been carried on for a period of time and is still continuing e.g. "I am (in the process of) studying English," and when we do two things at once, e.g. "While holding the milk jug in one hand, I am stirring the porridge with the other."


1.   I am (love) ............................ my year in the bridging school (loving)
2.   While (study) ........................ in the daytime, he is working at night to cover his fees (studying)
3.   While (drive) ....................... the car, one should not speak on the cellphone (driving)
4.   They are (hope) ............................ to get married early next year (hoping)
5.   It's no use (cry) ............................... over spilt milk (crying)
6.   (Laugh) ...................... helplessly, she is trying to tell us a joke (laughing)
7.   Not (take) ............................ responsibility for one's mistakes is to burden others (taking)
9.   Having lost her husband early, she (raise) .................... her children all on her own (is raising)
10. Please don't come in while I'm (study) .............................. (studying)
11. He (recuperate) ...................... slowly after a recent operation (is recuperating)
12. (Criticise) ........................ others is easy, but to do better is hard (criticising)
13. After an initial difficult start, the film .....  now (start) ..................... to show a profit (is now starting)
14. The sunflowers (to turn) ............................ towards the sun (are turning)
15. The dogs are forever (to cause) ...................... troubles with the neighbour's cat (causing)
16. (To feel) .......................... lonely, even in a crowd, is a feeling we often experience (feeling)
17. Is that lazy boy still (to sleep) ......................................? (sleeping)
18. Why aren't you (to have) .......................... your bath? It's almost bedtime (having)
19. At present we are (to struggle) ................... to pay back our debts (struggling)
20. (To smile) ........................... when you feel like (to cry) ..................... is an act of bravery
(smiling when you feel like crying)
21. While the dogs are (to fight) ........................... the noise is deafening (fighting)
22. Do you think Elizabeth (to think) .......................... about us still? (is thinking)
23. (To dream) ............................... about winning the Lotto is a waste of time (Dreaming)

Dr Luky Whittle

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