Tuesday, June 3, 2014


How to Draw up a Plan for Resources for Clinical Faculty
So; You are a tutor and are faced with drawing up a Plan for Resources for your Clinical Faculty.
  Your Clinical Faculty may be Theology; or Clinical Pastoral Counselling; or Health. 
  Whatever your field of study, it can be a very daunting task to be faced with drawing up a competent plan to train students on a University level.

The plan can be simplified into the following steps which may prove helpful as you settle down to this task.

One Type of Plan of Resources is to form a Series of Web-Based Interactive Case Studies in your Clinical Faculty.

  While drawing up your Module, keep in mind the following;

- the age, competence and experience of your students. 
  You will draw up one style of class for beginners who have just graduated from school. 
 Design a different style of class for professionals in the field with years of experience, who are seeking to learn more in their field.

Begin your Module with a Welome to your students.

Then clarify what your module provides, for example
'Welome to Module 1; this module provides;
- An overview of evidence-based (theological/charity administration/ counselling/ health) assessment'
- An overview of the subject to be dealt with, relevant to a particular field. If you are teaching theology, you will pinpoint exactly what you are going to teach; for example, 'An overview of practical theology relevant to pastors in post conflict mission fields'
- References for content and teaching strategies. (References to sources, extra reading and study required for the student to pass the Module).

  You can design the course as an interactive 'case study' designed to guide clinical teaching of study content related to assessment and your study subject. 

This can include strategies for; 
- Preparing for clinical praxis 
- Partnering with clinical agency
- Conducting pre & post-conferences
- Consistent student clinical supervision
- Consistent student clinical evaluation

Next you can deal with Assessment.

e.g. Theological Pastoral Care Assessment.
Keep in mind that Assessment is the cornerstone in clinical/pastoral care.
  Assessment allows for accurate diagnosis, management, referral and evaluation of clinical/pastoral care.

You can use evidence based assessment tools.
  Evidence-based praxis is the norm in clinical fields at present.

If you are doing praxis, keep in mind that clinical rotation can help students assess the status of those to whom they minister in the field, using assessment tools.
  Assessment facilitates communication among the team.

Now draw up the body of your module.
That is, comprehensively draw up a teaching explanation of the content you need to impart to your student in order for him or her to be able to
- understand, and
- competently meet the standards of (through evaluation and examination)

Evidence-based assessment tools and protocols

Ensure that your student has access to evidence-based assessment tools, and comprehensive protocols which meet the criteria of the governing body of your clinical specialist field


Give academic reference where your students can learn more, and research, about the subject of your module. 
  Give them a good range to choose from.
Ensure your resources/references include Authors, date of publication, Edition if relevant, Publishing company, ISBN if relevant.
An imaginary example is,
Anderson; Zwide, Connolly, 
et al (2007). Evidence Based
Theological Protocols for
Best Practice (Fourth Edition);
UK; New Country Publishing Co,
(also on . . . web site)

Another way to add a resource online is;

Imaginary example - 
Theological Guidelines
- See Theology Online Institute

Case Study

Draw up a case study which will assist your student to approach a praxis-based situation 
  Include information such as your Key Elements;
So; Key Elements of the 'Case Study' 
- Designing assignments
- Pre-conference
- Post-conference
- Clinical supervision
- Clinical evaluation

Relevant Information

The information your students need should be clearly explained.
  It is helpful to have small posts with 'Check Your Learning' questions at intervals throughout the teaching content section of your course
- Include data and resources, and larger data if relevant. Empirical research is an excellent way to ground your study material.


Work out Assignments for your students which will help them to bring together and assimilate the teaching within your module. 
  The written assignment material will prove a helpful revision guide for the student when studying for examinations.

Pre Conference

Pre-Conference is the time you meet with your students prior to their undertaking a praxis session in the clinical field under supervision. 
  Address information specific to the student's assignment in the pre-conference.

The pre-conference is a good time for you to assess if your student has come to the pre-conference well prepared.
- The student needs to have completed pre-clinical preparation assignments
- Be aware of assessment tools if needed 
- Be ready to interact with other members of the team if needed 
  Pre-conference is a good time for you to assess whether your student is comfortable with the task ahead, and whether the student has anxiety related to the clinical task praxis awaiting them.

Clinical Supervision
Supervision of your students will be carried out according to the protocol of your governing body.
Assessment can also include the following;
- Student decision making
- Communication skills
- Academic skills applied in praxis
- Empathy and ability
- Follow through
- Body language 
- Ability to work out Plan of Care
- How well the student prepared beforehand by reading your course content and having knowledge of same
- Reflection on what the student learned


This is a helpful time for you to assist your student with the following;
- sythesis as to praxis
- gaps in student competencies/knowledge
- where to extend or refresh student knowledge prior to next assignment 
- the student can do self-analysis and reflection on personal experience of the clinical praxis 
- the student can assess how competent and comfortable they felt with same
- Documentation; in many fields, documentation according to a governing body or protocol is needed. 
  The student can be assisted to become competent with same. 
  It is important to note that at times confidentiality may become an issue in documentation. 
Guide your students competently re same.
- Clarify ethical issues if needed 
- Show your student how to carry out evaluation of the main focus of the study.

Clinical Evaluation
Observe how your student checked the main domains of the content of the course.
  This is done in order to gain a clear picture of the level of competence and preparation the student manifested during the teaching situation.

Midterm and Final Evaluation
- Each clinical instructor is responsible for evaluation their clinical student's clinical competence in meeting the clinical outcomes
- Review the expected outcomes with students at the beginning of your course, and prior to your Midterm and Final. 
  This enables your student to keep a good track of his or her strengths and gaps in knowledge, with no surprises at Final Exam time.
  Use of Clinical Evaluation; keep a checklist of students' satisfactorily completed assessments

There are many formats you can choose as Examination material. Choose the one you find the most helpful for your students level of formation.

  This completes the suggested format of your Web-Based Interactive Case Studies.

 Good luck with drawing up your modules!

Meaning of the above

Simply put, the above means we draw up a well considered and balanced plan of training for students.

An example is; Music Ministry.
Let us imagine I wish to draw up a module to train my students in music ministry in churches.
  My students are experienced organists with about ten years experience in playing for communities in churches.
  They wish to increase their skills and learn more about the theological content and hymnal biblical resources.

I welcome the students.
  I draw up a plan of action for them, where they (pre-conference) draw up a church service hymn sheet.
  Their praxis is to guide congregational singing worship by playing the organ,
 Reflection and statistical analysis of the organ playing is done by checking quantifiable elements, such as; age and spiritual needs of the congregation members on average, the time of church year (eg Lent, Christmas or Easter), Biblical passages being read by the minister being reflected in the musical choices made by the student.

After the praxis, there is a post-conference where we discuss how things went.
  The student studies the course content, in which I have explained the various tents of music ministry.
  The student then reflects on his or her experience in the playing of the organ during the service.
  The student thereafter writes an assignment on same.
  The assignment is marked by myself.

We discuss the outcome together, and identify gaps in knowledge, and strengths of the student.
  The student learns from the gaps in knowledge, and draws confidence from his or her strengths.

Disclaimer; Please note that the information on this Post is not meant to replace Professional Teaching or Curriculum. It is from the author's experience, and is meant as a Resource only

Evidence-based praxis - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence-based_practice

Pastoral Theology and Practice in the Context of Evidence-Based Outcomes http://www.practicalmattersjournal.org/sites/practicalmattersjournal.org/files/pdf/issue2/Blevins_Toler_Issue4PracticingMatters.pdf

Re-Visioning Pastoral Diagnosis, Clinical Handbook of Pastoral Counselling Volume 2

Empirical Research http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/researchguides/edupsych/empirical.html

Resources for Teaching and Precepting http://fod.msu.edu/oir/resources-teaching-and-precepting

Pastoral Counselling http://www.currentpsychiatry.com/the-publication/past-issue-single-view/pastoral-counseling-what-is-it-and-when-can-it-help/554af48823c4ee4b3d7a36a50467aba2.html

Pastoral, Practical and Constructive Theologians  http://www.ictg.org/theologians.html

Luminous Leymah Gbowee; designed counselling sessions - child soldiers http://www.opendemocracy.net/5050/leymah-gbowee/child-soldiers-child-wives-wounded-for-life

Doctors without Borders

With thanks to wikipedia.org, practicalmattersjournal.org, books.google,ie, fod.msu,ed, currentpsychiatry.com, ictg.org,  opendemocracy.net and howstuffworks.com

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