Friday, July 4, 2014

Good Shepherd Church Seminary; What happened to the Church Jesus Christ built?

It is alive and well, and under attack.
Why not become a dedicated priest of God and serve in His ministry to bring His peace, reconciliation and Grace to a suffering world?
Christianity is in the fortunate and privileged position of having made provision for many different forms and customs in following Jesus.
However, the reality remains that, ultimately, there is One Universal Fold and One Universal Shepherd - the Global Fold of Christians who express their faith in Jesus Christ in different ways, but whose belief is in the one Person; the Son of God. Jesus was sent to save humanity from the path of destruction we were treading, and to redirect us to Heaven.

Build His Church
Jesus promised He would build His Church, and assured His disciples that the Church would not perish (Matthew 16;18). We, His followers, are thus under a Divine Seal of Protection.
Our global Church may be attacked from within and without by forces unfriendly to the Son of God and His Mandate to save humanity, but it will survive - though sometimes embattled - and thrive.
Jesus Christ promised this.

Church of the Living God
We, God's People, form the Church of the Living God (1 Timothy 3;15).
We are to be on the lookout for, and be wary of, false prophets who are wolves in sheep's clothing. That is, they appear to be authentic, but their fruits show they are not true Christians and, instead of wishing to build up the Church of Jesus Christ, they endeavour to break it down.
"By their fruits you shall know them." (Matthew 7;15-17).
We form a people special to God. Let us be worthy of that Name.

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