Monday, September 23, 2013

Lumiere English Academy; A Basic Grammar - Lesson 19 Prepositions A to G

Lumiere English academy
A Basic Grammar
A to G
Student, take a wise decision
Never mix a preposition
You cannot be too careful about the correct use of prepositions.
Here are some examples of the most common kinds of
prepositions. These are printed in capitals. Make your own list
of any others you come across.
ABOUT to start
Acceptable TO us all
Accepting responsibility FOR our shortcomings
Account FOR our misdemeanours
ACROSS the Missouri
Adapting TO circumstances
AGAINST all odds, the man succeeded
Aimed AT helping
ALTHOUGH she strives to be humble, she resents insults
Always be kind TO the unfortunate
AMONG all the pretty girls she was the loveliest
An accessory TO the fact
An answer TO the question
ANXIOUS TO make a good impression, she dropped the tray
Approving OF my decision, my parents supported it
Arriving AT one's destination
Ashamed OF my ignorance
Astonished AT the large turnout
AT hand (as distinguished from ON hand, IN hand and
BY hand)
AT one's best
AT the door, AT the gate, AT the window
AT this stage I don't know where I'll spend my holiday
Babies are inoculated AGAINST measles
BESIDE oneself WITH joy
BEYOND my ken
Blame it ON the Bossa Nova
Blood calls TO blood
Boasting ABOUT his good looks
Bored TO tears
Bursting INTO flames
Bursting INTO tears
Buying AT an affordable price
BY the time I finish this homework, I'll be exhausted
Changing trains AT the junction
Cinderella had to leave the ball BY twelve o' clock
Comparing oneself negatively WITH others can be a disastrous
Confident OF coming first in class
Confrontation BETWEEN neighbours often leads to dissension
Congratulations ON your birthday
Crying FOR joy
Damaged BEYOND repair
Delighted WITH life
DESPITE all expectations to the contrary, he passed matric
Disappointed AT the lack of response
Drinking TO the new partnership
Driving IN the car
Embarrassed BY the customer's rudeness
Every night he reads FROM the Bible
Fallen FROM grace
Falling DOWN the slope he broke his arm
Familiar WITH the circumstances
Filing in one BY one
Filled WITH joy, she showed off her engagement ring
Find out if the bus stops AT Henneman
Firefighters were called TO the blaze caused by a house ON fire
Flushed WITH pleasure
Footballers running ON TO the field when they arrive
Good AT games
A good head FOR mathematics
Dr Luky Whittle